Monday, May 15, 2006


Last night, the right pole of my wound started to pus out. Wound edges red, discharging a scant amount of purulent drainage. I cleansed and dressed it with sterile gauze, and this morning, no real change. My temp is steadily 100.3 - 100.5F, still low grade, but went to bed with chills and sweated all last night, really the last couple of nights. Worst it hurts to sit. Really, pressure in my rectum when I sit on my butt. So I'm either constipated and impacted, or I have a pelvic abscess, or both.

Luckily, I'm a proctologist. Who thought I would ever get to say that!? Saturday night, I visited the office. Probably a bad move, overall, because I tried to tend to a bunch of stuff on my desk and got myself totally aggravated. That accomplished, I raided our sample closet, and went home with a treasure trove of fiber, laxatives and suppositories that should keep me pretty clear. Saturday, using a glycerin suppository, I was able to deliver a few solid nuggets. Then yesterday I drank some lactulose and cleaned out my colon COMPLETELY. Honestly, I was seeing some residue of stuff I don't even remember eating. Which is why I don't think I'm impacted right now.

Pelvic abscess? Going to have to defer to my surgeon for that...made a call out to him this morning, but line is busy. Will keep trying, and let you know.

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