Thursday, September 27, 2007


We all have reasons

for moving.

I move

to keep things whole.

—from "Keeping Things Whole" by Mark Strand

A lot has changed since my last post on this blog. I started my own practice, started doing laparoscopic colon surgery, am reading and writing more poetry, and teaching a course on Medical Humanities to 2nd year medical students. Bringing things all together, my poem, Minimally Invasive, was accepted for publication in JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, and is scheduled for the January 16th issue.

Another piece of the puzzle is placed tomorrow morning. I literally have to start moving. I will meet my brother, Patrick, at the track at 6 am as promised and start to run again. I am sure I'll be rusty, but I'll have my great running buddy at my side for inspiration.

The first Sunday of November, Pat is running in the NYC Marathon. He's run it before, but this year's really special. He'll be running with Fred's Team, a team of runners who run to raise funds for cancer research at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He's already raised 20% of his goal. I'm duly honored to be running with him as he prepares, and to be named as one of the people to whom he has dedicated this race. Please visit his website, Run to Honor, at, and make a donation today.

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